A sailor loves his vessel in a way that land-bound people can never understand. Not only does it provide his livelihood but it also protects his life. Many entries in Captain Dave’s logbooks have the crew cleaning and polishing the tender. It reminded me of that proverbial first car we all had. It was a junker, held together mostly by rust, but we loved it and spent many a Saturday afternoon washing and waxing it. So it was with the tenders. Below are several that Captain Dave spent many hours loving.


Assigned to the Seventh District in 1877. According to the Annual Report of the Light-house Board of the Secretary of the Treasury for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1877, cited elsewhere, “Both the tenders, Geranium (steam) and Spray (sail) have been kept busily employed. They have both been docked, and are in fair condition.” Both vessels were commanded by Captain Dave.


Assigned to the Seventh District from 1879 to 1883.


This was Captain Dave’s last command. It was assigned to both the Seventh and the Eighth Districts. Captain Dave chronicles in his log from May 5, 1882, sailing the Steamer Geranium from Key West to Wilmington, Delaware and bringing back the Steamer Arbutus to New Orleans, arriving April 8, 1882.

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